Zed-FULL PLUS Mercedes Software / Hardware

Zed-FULL PLUS Mercedes Software / Hardware
- Extended application list from 1998 to 2018
- Software, Zednet, EZS test kit now included in package
- Completely free to use, no credit charge per key
- Includes BGA key programming via OBD
- Requires only 10 keys programmed for full payback
The Mercedes key programming software for the Zed-FULL offers the opportunity to program new keys to a huge range of cars and vans, whether it's a duplicate key required or it's completely lost keys.
One of the huge advantages of the new Zed-FULL software is that we can now program via the OBD socket and by reading the information from the key slot, therefore on most of the applications the ignition switch module does not need to be removed, making the process quicker and easier.
The kit includes a 'sniff key' that reads the data direct from the ignition switch and transfers the data to the Zed-FULL. Whilst eeprom reading and some soldering skills are required on some of the programming procedures, the process is made as simple as possible; often only needing cables to be soldered onto a board instead of full eeprom removal.
Another advantage of the Zed-FULL Mercedes software is that the system is confined to the Zed-FULL tool, with no extra PC software or computers required.
A full application list will be available soon but does includes A, B, C, CLK, E, CLS, S, CL, SL, SLK, G, R, M, GL, Classes, Lito, Viano, Vaneo, Vito and Sprinter, and covers years 1998 to 2015.
It is possible to use second hand genuine keys, as the Mercedes program has a viginisation process built into the software. In addition, we offer a range of new, high quality aftermarket Mercedes keys for both cars and vans that are low cost but excellent build quality - maximising your profit potential.
The hardware and software comes as a package with all modules, adapters, sniff key, Zednet, EZS test kit and cables. The software is included in the package and is therefore free to use (no credits are taken for programming a key) therefore once purchased is completely free to use.
Please note, a maximum of 3 keys can be programmed per day.
With an income opportunity of approximately £250 per key it takes only 10 keys to achieve full payback.
Kit Contents
















MB Test Kit
Application List - COMING SOON
A full application list will be available soon but does includes A, B, C, CLK, E, CLS, S, CL, SL, SLK, G, R, M, GL, Classes, Lito, Viano, Vaneo, Vito and Sprinter, and covers years 1998 to 2015.

Mercedes EIS Quick Connection Kit
The new quick connection kit for Mercedes key programming allows the programming of keys into the EIS module without disassemble or soldering.
The vast majority of vehicles do not need the EIS module removed but when it does this kit enables the keys to be programmed direct from the Zed-FULL via the quick connection kit.
The kit includes ZFH-MBCA connection dongle and 5 dedicated cables: ZFH-MCB1 /2 /3 /4 & 5.
These cables enable direct connection to the following EIS modules W164, W166, W204, W207, W212, W216, W221, W246, W251.

Mercedes Test Kit
The Mercedes Benz test kit allows you to power up the ignition lock (EIS unit) on the bench, in order to test the newly programmed keys without needing the car present.
Includes adapters for all types of processors.
This kit is included in the full Mercedes package.

Mercedes EZS Ignition Lock Removal Tool
Quality anodised aluminium removal tool for Mercedes ignition lock.

Desoldering Kit for IC Removal
This hot air station enables Eeproms to be removed from circuit boards and then resoldered.
An essential tool.
The pack comes complete with:
- Hot Air Gun
- Soldering Iron
- Extraction System
- A Range of Essential Accessories

Magnifying Bench Light
- Desk mounted magnifier
- 22 watt lamp
- Shadow free light
- Ideal for intricate work
- Spring balanced metal arms
- Multi position G clamp
- 22 watt energy saving bulb

High Quality Desoldering Braid
- 2.8mm width
- 1.5m length
- Excellent braid quality

High Quality Solder
- Ideal for soldering eeproms
- 0.5kg
- Fast flow properties
- Minimum residue

Flux Off Cleaner
Powerful flux remover for high temperature lead free flux removal. Comes with built-in brush.