Diagnostic Leak Detectors

Speed Smoke
The first diagnostic leak detector of its kind, SpeedSmoke was designed to address the proliferation of boosted vehicles in the aftermarket.

Smoke Pro
The Smoke Pro leak detection system effectively detects leaks in a multitude of vehicle systems.

HD PowerSmoke
A vapor machine designed specifically for HD Trucks, Buses, Commercial, Industrial, and Agricultural applications.

NEW ReadySmoke is a Made in America quality smoke machine at a great price from the world's leader in diagnostic leak detection.

Air Brake NanoLeak Finder
Quickly tests and precisely diagnoses high pressure Air Brake, Air Suspension, and Air Powered Accessory System Leaks.

PowerSmoke Pro
OEM Approved vapor machine to test the integrity of turbo, boosted, high pressure automobile systems in one quick procedure.

HGV Fleet
The HGV Fleet, as the name suggests, is designed and proven for commercial or fleet applications.

SmartFit Cooling System Tester
A universal cooling system test kit that fits radiators on all passenger and light commercial vehicles.

Bosch SMT 300 Leak Detector
A full featured device which allows today’s shop to perform various types of vehicle leak testing.